An event every week that begins at 6:30 pm on Thursday, repeating until April 10, 2025
This course is geared towards students who have had some experience in watercolor. The focus will be practicing the essential techniques of watercolor with a simple project each week. The projects often focus on
particular skills, especially understanding values, water to pigment ratios, washes, color mixing to give your work form and dimension. All projects are demonstrated step-by-step and individual assistance is offered. The projects are nature-based including flowers, birds, landscapes, seascapes, still life fruit and vegetables. Registration closes Mar 3.
Minimum # of Students: 4
Maximum # of Students: 12
Cost: $85 (plus cost of materials) Materials List
Date: 6 Thursdays: starting Thurs, Mar 6 (Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 3 & Apr 10) (6:30pm-9pm)
Just a friendly reminder that classes which do not meet the minimum enrollment requirements will be canceled.